How Aussies chew-off their own feet
(too old to reply)
2011-05-22 01:14:09 UTC
Most Aussies are too spineless to analyze the
political situation that confronts them. They
retreat to watching spectator sport clown shows on
the idiot box, and parroting multicultural
platitudes and globalist nostrums. This is
immigrationist vomit: "We are immensely lucky - a
Westminster style robust democracy, reliable and
affordable utilities - all on the edge of a
monster size quarry and quality farm." (They
really mean we must accept more immigrants...) By
encouraging mass immigration and pregnancy, we are
blighting our future and dooming our country and
children. We should be working to reduce
population. Instead the greedy plutocracy works to
increase it.

Even the pro-immigration Bureau of Immigration and
Population Research, could not find any economic
benefits from our immigration program, and their
conclusion came from a study which was biased by
omitting the enormous infrastructure costs.
Whenever the economy grows slower than the
population grows, it follows that our true
standard of living is not improving anyway. So why
do you want to fight more and more people for use
of a single small plot of sand at the beach? The
idea that high real estate prices equate to
prosperity, is a very comforting and popular
delusion for fools speculating in this corrupt
Ponzi scheme. This debt bubble inflated by a
crumbling mass immigration racket is strained to
bursting point.

Growthists say Australia must develop regional
infrastructure. It is not lack of infrastructure
that inhibits development of inland centres, but
lack of water. Australia is not a country with
widespread rainfall or snow melt to sustain inland
rivers. Subhuman breeding locusts are living
beyond the world's capacity to supply their
unlimited needs. They pretend that nature is
inexhaustible and will continue to nourish and
sustain them. Where there is no intelligence,
there is no sense of urgency. When Aussies get the
unpayable bills for their plague immigration
party, and they watch their bubble economy deflate
under unsustainable mortgage and credit-card debt,
the super-expensive recycled sewage piped to their
kitchens won't taste so good.

Australia is infected with multicultural leprosy.
Real estate Ponzi schemes and financial casinos
replaced legitimate and productive activity, as
debt, violence, pollution and scarcity were
imported along with cheap scab labour. Even to
question plague immigration and multiculturalism
has been to invite instant denunciation as a
racist from the robopathic left-wing
intelligentsia, for whom anti-racism has long been
their only signature creed. No debate has been
possible. While many have realized that
unsustainable population growth in Australia is
courting disaster, there are those who have not.
Idiotically, they argue we should continue our
unsustainable population growth indefinitely -
regardless of consequences.

The love of Australian plutocrats and politicians
for cheap third world labour is touching. You can
tell how deep it runs. Working longer for less, in
awful workplace conditions, is always a sure
recipe for true love in plague immigration times.
I'm sure that recipients of unearned windfall
profits sincerely believe that they really
deserved their accidental luck. Nobody wants to
see himself as a fortunate parasite. It's likewise
comforting to believe that the poor are just lazy
and stupid. Land price speculation and real estate
Ponzi racketeering, will push most Aussies onto
the thin ice of economic insecurity. Plague
immigration and cultural diversity will shade into
globalist totalitarianism, as nation and culture
both die.

We can't help the third world by becoming part of
it via mass immigration. It's pretty obvious, but
the point is lost on globalists who have a grudge
against Western civilization and hide destructive
agendas behind sanctimonious moral supremacism.
The "beneficial" effect of plague immigration is
lower wages. Housing will cost more and wages will
be lower, but that's alright because it keeps
inflation down. Really? How many people do we need
to constantly import to keep inflation down? The
regulatory system makes it more profitable for
banks to lend for housing than for business. That
supports the real estate Ponzi scheme debt-bubble.
This bubble will pop when foreigners stop lending
to Australian banks for property speculation.
2011-05-22 01:20:31 UTC
Post by corella
Most Aussies are too spineless to analyze the
political situation that confronts them. They

I'm sorry... I'd like to read more... but the Sunday cartoons are on.
[Example of science question?]
How does an ipod work? Well, you just push these buttons...
-- John Larkin <***@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com>, 27 Feb 2011 16:46 -0800