2011-05-24 04:55:16 UTC
The cultural and economic dissolution of Australia
may impoverish and disempower most Aussies, but
bloodsucker landlords, politicians, greaseball
developers, land price speculators, billionaires,
and immigration lawyers are enriched and
glorified. One great extra benefit globalist
elites get from feral immigration, is the general
chaos that helps so much in disorganizing the
Australian people and any political grass roots
opposition to mass immigration. Australia's
quisling leaders used globalism and plague
immigration to reduce the prospects for most
Aussies to the absence of any real basis for hope.
Yet Aussies are horribly afraid or ashamed to ask
serious questions about how this happened.
A people can no more possess a globalist nation
than a person can possess a flying pig. It is not
pessimistic to point out the oxymorons and
contradictions inherent in the alien globalist
ideology. We must always refute fashionable
absurdity. Australia is one of the most sheepish
and lethargic democracies around, with disinterest
in public affairs becoming a low artform - proudly
upheld as part of Aussie bovine culture. Vile
globalist tapeworms infest Aussie guts. Gutless
submission to globalism won't save you, and
piss-weak whining about the terms of your
enslavement is no remedy. It is always the
whimpering dog that gets kicked. You have all the
warning signs you need, that the Tooth Fairy is
not coming.
The collapse of the property market bubble is
providing the growth-mad immigrationist
politicians and media drones a convenient
smokescreen over the planned next wave of the
third world invasion. You have been warned, now do
something! Attitudes toward large families need to
be changed. It is immoral to have excessive
numbers of children. It's a governmental
responsibility to keep a nation's population size
sustainable despite any objections from
billionaires. The morally self-preening views of
plague immigration advocates shelter behind their
vile defamatory attacks against decent Australians
who don't want Australia invaded by deserting
ethnics who have destroyed their own countries.
may impoverish and disempower most Aussies, but
bloodsucker landlords, politicians, greaseball
developers, land price speculators, billionaires,
and immigration lawyers are enriched and
glorified. One great extra benefit globalist
elites get from feral immigration, is the general
chaos that helps so much in disorganizing the
Australian people and any political grass roots
opposition to mass immigration. Australia's
quisling leaders used globalism and plague
immigration to reduce the prospects for most
Aussies to the absence of any real basis for hope.
Yet Aussies are horribly afraid or ashamed to ask
serious questions about how this happened.
A people can no more possess a globalist nation
than a person can possess a flying pig. It is not
pessimistic to point out the oxymorons and
contradictions inherent in the alien globalist
ideology. We must always refute fashionable
absurdity. Australia is one of the most sheepish
and lethargic democracies around, with disinterest
in public affairs becoming a low artform - proudly
upheld as part of Aussie bovine culture. Vile
globalist tapeworms infest Aussie guts. Gutless
submission to globalism won't save you, and
piss-weak whining about the terms of your
enslavement is no remedy. It is always the
whimpering dog that gets kicked. You have all the
warning signs you need, that the Tooth Fairy is
not coming.
The collapse of the property market bubble is
providing the growth-mad immigrationist
politicians and media drones a convenient
smokescreen over the planned next wave of the
third world invasion. You have been warned, now do
something! Attitudes toward large families need to
be changed. It is immoral to have excessive
numbers of children. It's a governmental
responsibility to keep a nation's population size
sustainable despite any objections from
billionaires. The morally self-preening views of
plague immigration advocates shelter behind their
vile defamatory attacks against decent Australians
who don't want Australia invaded by deserting
ethnics who have destroyed their own countries.