New Government Initiative To destroy The Family And Normal Marriage For Advance of Feminism and Homosexuals
(too old to reply)
Anna Maria
2011-04-28 11:20:44 UTC
Yes we sure could do with some help on this one. We are getting slaughtered
in the media. Unfortunately the well funded radical women's groups have used
the shocking tragedy of the father throwing her daughter of the bridge to
push the typical radical feminist line that all fathers are evil child
killers etc, etc. The very moderate 2006 Shared Parenting reforms are
getting wound back under cover of protecting children. Protecting children
from whom. Mothers and mothers defacto boyfriends account for about 75% of
child homicides in Australia today.

Raising your voice at your partner will now be a form of violence. If that
is the case all the parliamentarians would be put in gaol after every
question time and probably myself as well because I have been guilty of that
"crime" The silly government is going along with them. Even the opposition
is succumbing to the stupidity.

Submissions may be made online at:

or sent directly to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Commitee.

The closing date is 29 April 2011 (however they normally accept submissions
for a couple of days after the closing date)

The Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee is seeking written
submissions from interested individuals and organisations preferably in
electronic form submitted online or sent by email to ***@aph.gov.au
as an attached Adobe PDF or MS Word format document. The email must include
full postal address and contact details.

Alternatively, written submissions may be sent to:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


Kangaroo Court Australia
2011-04-28 11:43:26 UTC
Dear Mr Andrew Wilkie MP,
Chief of Defense,
Chief of Navy,
Australian Prime Minister,
Australian Foreign Minister,
Australian Federal Police,
Independents in the Australian Federal Parliament,
Australian Human Rights Commission,

Mr Wilkie, I understand you have been under pressure over your alleged
Nazi Salute hazing of cadets some 20 years ago.
I can tell you Sir, that it is a culture of Discrimination, race and
gender that has been, if not encouraged, at the very least has been
ignored for a long time.

I was no surprise to see if come ahead recently.

However, the coverup and the corruption goes all the way to the High
Court Australia. The honourable Michael Kirby has already leveled
Racial Discrimination at the High Court Australia.

What is the intent to the Australian Parliament to deal with arbitrary
and malicious and incompetent decisions from the Australian
Judiciary and High Court Australia, with the intent to pervert the
rule of law and the Australian Democracy, with the intent to deprive
and cause injuries
and death.

After requesting that the Australian Human Rights Commission terminate
complaints of unlawful racial discrimination, We have not recieved any
correspondence from them.
What is the intention of the Australian Parliament dealing with the
Australian Human Rights Commission, perverting the Australian Human
Rights Act 1986?

Two further complaints are now filed against

1. Chief of Defense and Chief of Navy for unlawful racial
discrimination against LT Charles Pham, in failing to provide proper
equipment and breach of contract and breach of duty of care, and

2. The Senate Committee for Constitutional and Legal Affairs: Senators
Barnett and Crossin et al, for conspiracy to pervert parliamentary
privilege to racially discriminate in senate inquiries.

We ask that the Australian Human Rights Commission terminate these two
complaints asap. They have consent from us to use any pathetic reasons
that they have been using: Out of time, Lacking in Substance.

If we don't get the termination papers by 30th May, we will consider
them terminated and that the Australian Human Rights Commission has
conspired to pervert the Human Rights Act. Citizen Arrest will be
filed against them and they may be apprehended on Indigenous and
Aboriginal Lands at any time and any place.

We advise the Australian Parliament that the Australian Constitution
is self-activated and doesnt need order from the High Court
We advise the Australian Parliament of the Rule of Law enforced by
Lehane J in a 2000 decision for summary dimissal.

The dishonorable Australian Judicary and High Court Australia has been
abusing their position and trust, in particular the use of ex parte
submissions where the appellant has no right of reply.

If the Australian Judiciary cannot follow their own laws, we will
apply Indigenous and Aboriginal Laws and International laws and the
Discrimination Act (UK) 1992.

In addition, we believe that curbing the power of gambling and pokies
is a wonderful idea: No need to play Russian Roulette with people's
lives. Data have shown that low income gamblers are most addicted
seeking to better their lives in the incorrect manner.


Charles PHAM

Thursday, April 28, 2011

for Indigenous & Origines Genocide Centre
Director: Robbie THORPE
Special Counsel: Charles PHAM
PO BOX 1007
VIC 3171
