2011-05-22 06:26:50 UTC
The cost to Australia of importing third world
scab labour in social, economic, and environmental
terms is immense. Just the burden of caring for
ill and infirm alien imports is unsustainable.
Australia is the globalist plague immigration
capital. A warning: British farming soil will
probably run out within 60 years, leading to a
catastrophic food crisis. Fertile soil is being
lost faster than it can be replenished. Soil is
being lost in China 57 times faster than it can be
replaced. Methodology for saving Australia: Stop
feral immigration and implement a
taxation-and-bonus system designed to lower the
birth rate. Outlaw landlordism and property
No amount of technology, conservation, so-called
sustainable living and legislation can stop
environmental degradation if population growth
continues. Reducing per capita impact will have
little effect with population growth at 1.08% per
annum. Australia does not belong to globalism,
although you might get that impression from
listening to the traitors and quislings who parade
their insane multicultural claptrap before us.
Aussies deeply resent these globalist nostrums.
Under plague immigration, real wages never rise,
yet prices, rents and debt always rise, as savings
fall. It is promoted by mass media change agents
as the sort of "prosperity" we shall all "embrace"
as globalism's fangs bite deep.
The environment and native animals have a right to
exist and not be destroyed whenever economic gain,
greed, or enterprise so dictates. We have no
divine right to exploit and over-populate this
land to leave a legacy of pollution and scarcity.
Subhuman swarms of breeding ethnic locusts have
stupidly "achieved" unsustainable population
levels. Mass immigrationist politicians find this
strangely comforting, Why work honestly when you
could borrow to the hilt, buy a rental property,
make sure that your repayments exceed income from
rent, cut the tax paid on your other income along
the way, then sell the property for a very lightly
taxed capital gain?
scab labour in social, economic, and environmental
terms is immense. Just the burden of caring for
ill and infirm alien imports is unsustainable.
Australia is the globalist plague immigration
capital. A warning: British farming soil will
probably run out within 60 years, leading to a
catastrophic food crisis. Fertile soil is being
lost faster than it can be replenished. Soil is
being lost in China 57 times faster than it can be
replaced. Methodology for saving Australia: Stop
feral immigration and implement a
taxation-and-bonus system designed to lower the
birth rate. Outlaw landlordism and property
No amount of technology, conservation, so-called
sustainable living and legislation can stop
environmental degradation if population growth
continues. Reducing per capita impact will have
little effect with population growth at 1.08% per
annum. Australia does not belong to globalism,
although you might get that impression from
listening to the traitors and quislings who parade
their insane multicultural claptrap before us.
Aussies deeply resent these globalist nostrums.
Under plague immigration, real wages never rise,
yet prices, rents and debt always rise, as savings
fall. It is promoted by mass media change agents
as the sort of "prosperity" we shall all "embrace"
as globalism's fangs bite deep.
The environment and native animals have a right to
exist and not be destroyed whenever economic gain,
greed, or enterprise so dictates. We have no
divine right to exploit and over-populate this
land to leave a legacy of pollution and scarcity.
Subhuman swarms of breeding ethnic locusts have
stupidly "achieved" unsustainable population
levels. Mass immigrationist politicians find this
strangely comforting, Why work honestly when you
could borrow to the hilt, buy a rental property,
make sure that your repayments exceed income from
rent, cut the tax paid on your other income along
the way, then sell the property for a very lightly
taxed capital gain?